Helena Denley

Helena Denley

Are you a freelancer who is at capacity with clients but aren’t earning the income you would like to be? Are you a freelancer looking to expand your reach beyond the one on one client work? If you answered ‘Yes’ to either or both of those questions then this is a must see talk for you!

Helena will help you plan your first online course by helping you with following tasks:

  • Do you have a list? If not start building one now so you can survey your list to find out what they may want.
  • Can your current skills, the ones you use in your freelance business with one-on-one clients, translate into an online course?
  • Skills assessment.
  • Target market – who are you be able to teach your skills to?
  • Creating your course – delivered live or pre-recorded?
  • Minimum viable product and iterate as you go or at each release.
  • Fitting course creation amongst current work.
  • Cut back on one-on-one work to make time to deliver the course.
  • Specific launches or Evergreen course.

Helena’s presentation will leave you with the following key takeaways:

  • Do you have skills that would convert well into an online course?
  • There is never a good time to take a break from client work to create a course. Make a plan, set a date, make it happen!
  • Options for creating course content.

In between un-schooling her 6 year old son, Helena is the co-owner of http://www.diywebsitecoach.com & http://thenewsolopreneur.com­ (with her husband Warren).  They help new solo business owners get started with their first website and learn how to manage the daily tasks involved with running a business online and being a solo entrepreneur.

You can follow Helena on Twitter.


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