Guide to attending your first WordCamp

So first things first, what is WordCamp?

wapuunder wordcamp brisbane 2015


WordCamps are informal, community-organized events that are put together by WordPress users like you. Everyone from casual users to core developers participate, share ideas, and get to know each other. The first WordCamp was held back in 2006, in San Fransico and the first WordCamp Australia was not long after that in Melbourne 2007. There have been 11 WordCamps down under since then in Melbourne, Sydney, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast. Seems Queensland is the place for WordCamps and Brisbane will be holding it’s second this coming July.

Although I have been using WordPress for over 5 years, in one way or another, and developing full time for almost 4 years now, I attended my first WordCamp in 2016. Being someone who does not like to do things by halves, I also spoke at this WordCamp as well. So far I have attended two WordCamps and have been a speaker at both and believe nothing has had more of a positive impact on my knowledge and, most importantly, confidence as WordPress consultant/developer than these events. If you are thinking about simply attending, stop thinking and click the “Purchase Ticket” button and if you think you have something to share, then Apply to Speak.  Here is how to prepare for your first WordCamp.

Pack the Essentials

wapoolaba wordcamp sunshine coast 2016


However, you like to take notes, Laptop, iPad, good old pen and paper, make sure you have everything you need. All your cords, chargers, spare pens/pencils and prepare a backup. If you use your laptop most of the time, make sure you have a backup method as there is a good chance you will run it flat. There will be camera’s in the events and each session will be recorded, with the speakers making their slides available at the end. You will also have plenty of chances to talk with speakers during the event and at the social after-party on Saturday.

Get your Social Media sorted

social media is used heavily during the event, twitter, facebook, snapshot, Instagram etc. It’s a great way to ask questions and share what you have learnt during the day or during a session. It’s also a great way to connect with each other and make new connections in the community.

Ask questions, talk to everyone if you can.

At some point in time, we all needed to know something more or perhaps, share an idea and see others think. I believe confidence is the greatest barrier to progressing in any profession, the dreaded “imposter syndrome”.  I suffered from it for a long time and I can safely say there is no more welcoming community than WordPress, it’s all about sharing and I know love nothing more helping people learn more and sharing my ideas. I always follow one simple rule, never BS. If you don’t know, say you don’t know and you will most likely have someone recommended who does know.

Most Important, Have FUN!

Wapuura sydney wordcamp 2016


WordCamp is about learning and I guarantee you will come away with so many ideas and so energised, you will be looking for the next event as soon as you get home but don’t forget to enjoy yourself. There is a great social on Saturday night, usually held within walking distance of the event. This will be another great opportunity to ask questions, share ideas and make new connections. Make sure you have plenty of business cards to share around with all new friends and contacts, your phone is fully charged to enter in those details or you have a notepad handy as you will need it.

If you still have doubts, have a look for your nearest WordPress Meetup at There are meetups all around Australia and as many as 5 WordPress meetups, at one time or another during the year, in south-east Queensland alone. They are not full of geeky code guys, not completely anyway, they are from all aspects of WordPress. From users to site administrators to front-end developers and social media experts all there for the same reason, to share what they know.

Tickets On Sale For WordCamp Brisbane 2017

We are pleased to announce that tickets are now on sale for WordCamp Brisbane 2017! It will be held on July 22 & 23 at QUT Gardens Point. Our last WordCamp in 2015 sold out so make sure you get your tickets quick!

Buy tickets

What Do I Get With My Ticket?

Your ticket includes a number of awesome benefits including but not limited to:

  • 2 full days of speaker sessions! There will be two concurrent sessions during most time slots so that you can attend the most suitable session for your interests and/or skill level.
  • Networking opportunities! There will be hundreds of other attendees for you to collaborate with. WordCamps have a habit of producing new friendships, business opportunities and job offers so this will be a great opportunity to meet new people and make new friends.
  • Catering at the venue! We will have complimentary coffee available as well as lunch and afternoon tea provided both days.
  • Saturday night after party! As is customary for Australian WordCamps, we will be having an after party at a venue still to be determined (suggestions welcome!)
  • Free swag! Included in your ticket will be a lanyard and t-shirt, plus a number of sponsors who will be handing out their own free pens, notebooks, mugs, shirts or whatever else they can come up with.

How Much Do Tickets Cost?

Tickets only cost $50 each. Yes you read that correctly, all those awesome benefits for only $50.

For those generous types, we’re also offering a Community Sponsor ticket for $150 each. You’ll get good karma and a shoutout here on the website.

There Are Still Spaces Available For Speakers And Sponsors

Are you interested in sharing your knowledge with the WordPress community, or chipping in to help everything run smoothly? We’re still looking for speakers and sponsors, and successful applications will include a few other bonuses with their tickets.

We look forward to seeing you all at WordCamp Brisbane 2017!

Buy tickets

Call for Speakers

WordCamp Brisbane is a community event that brings together designers, bloggers, developers, artists, small business owners, entrepreneurs, and educators from all across Queensland, as well as Australia and the rest of the world. It’s our mission to have WordCamp Brisbane represent the passion, talent and diversity of that community, and we want you to be a part of it!

Talks for all skill levels will be considered, and a presentation on things you learned setting up your very first website can be just as valuable as a technical walk-through of how user capabilities and roles are implemented within WordPress.

Please be aware that we do NOT require you to be famous, or “expert,” or a programmer, or specifically credentialed, or anything like that, and if you haven’t spoken at a conference before, don’t let that hold you back either! All we ask is that you be able to present your chosen topic passionately and respectfully.

We do have some general guidelines for talks, though, and here they are:

Your talk should be…

  • directly related to WordPress, or immediately applicable and relevant to our audience
  • respectful of the WordPress community, the WordCamp code of conduct, and the GPL
  • something that interests you, that you want to share!

Suggested topics include:

  • Design & development
  • Themes & plugins
  • SEO
  • Marketing
  • Social media
  • Open source code
  • The WordPress community
  • Translating WordPress (i18n)
  • Making WordPress accessible (a11y)


  • Talks will be a total of 45 minutes but expect to leave about 15 minutes for Q&A.
  • Talks will be on Saturday, July 22nd & Sunday, July 23rd at QUT garden Point campus.
  • We plan to record all talks and post the videos to Speakers will need to sign an A/V release form prior to giving their presentation.
  • Speakers will be offered free admission to WordCamp Brisbane, but will not be otherwise compensated.
  • The deadline to submit your speaker application is May 28th, but don’t worry if you have not got your talk worked out by this date, we just require an overview of your presentation for consideration and a title to display on our site if you are successful.

Apply To Speak

WordCamp Brisbane 2017!

We’re happy to announce that WordCamp Brisbane is happening again this coming July, the weekend of the 22nd-23rd of July to be specific!

But wait, What is a WordCamp? Well, for a start – It’s not camping at all! WordCamps are casual, informal, community-organised conferences put together by WordPress users like you. Everyone from casual users to core developers participate, share ideas, and get to know each other, all while talking about our favourite open-source CMS, WordPress.

What kind of things can I expect from a WordCamp? WordCamp Brisbane is a two-day conference, with two tracks of presentations running on both days. Presentations normally consist of a low-tech track and a more advanced track covering everything from Business to Development – there’s usually something for everyone to fill your interests.
Lunch & Coffee is provided, and you even get a memento of the event – all for a crazy-low $50 ticket price.

Where and When?! July 22-23, 2017! WordCamp will be in the same location as it was in 2015, QUT Gardens Point in the Brisbane CBD.

Who’s presenting? You! WordCamps welcome presenters of all walks of life, seasoned presenters and new people alike. Our Call for Speakers form is currently open, and we’ll announce a lineup in due course. If you’d like some ideas of what to present on, or can’t wait for WordCamp, check out videos of previous WordCamp sessions on WordPress.TV.

When will tickets go on sale? Soon! We’re not quite ready to open ticket sales, but will do so soon. Sign up for the newsletter below to be notified of when they’re available.

How can I stay up to date with WordCamp?
If you’d like to be kept up-to-date with WordCamp Brisbane, with details such as when ticket sales open, the call for speakers, the speaker announcements, and more information about WordCamp, you can subscribe to future posts by email below:

WordCamp Brisbane is proud to be a Linux Australia event, Linux Australia is providing the infrastructure required for us to be able to run a successful conference in Australia.