WordCamp Brisbane 2017!

We’re happy to announce that WordCamp Brisbane is happening again this coming July, the weekend of the 22nd-23rd of July to be specific!

But wait, What is a WordCamp? Well, for a start – It’s not camping at all! WordCamps are casual, informal, community-organised conferences put together by WordPress users like you. Everyone from casual users to core developers participate, share ideas, and get to know each other, all while talking about our favourite open-source CMS, WordPress.

What kind of things can I expect from a WordCamp? WordCamp Brisbane is a two-day conference, with two tracks of presentations running on both days. Presentations normally consist of a low-tech track and a more advanced track covering everything from Business to Development – there’s usually something for everyone to fill your interests.
Lunch & Coffee is provided, and you even get a memento of the event – all for a crazy-low $50 ticket price.

Where and When?! July 22-23, 2017! WordCamp will be in the same location as it was in 2015, QUT Gardens Point in the Brisbane CBD.

Who’s presenting? You! WordCamps welcome presenters of all walks of life, seasoned presenters and new people alike. Our Call for Speakers form is currently open, and we’ll announce a lineup in due course. If you’d like some ideas of what to present on, or can’t wait for WordCamp, check out videos of previous WordCamp sessions on WordPress.TV.

When will tickets go on sale? Soon! We’re not quite ready to open ticket sales, but will do so soon. Sign up for the newsletter below to be notified of when they’re available.

How can I stay up to date with WordCamp?
If you’d like to be kept up-to-date with WordCamp Brisbane, with details such as when ticket sales open, the call for speakers, the speaker announcements, and more information about WordCamp, you can subscribe to future posts by email below:

WordCamp Brisbane is proud to be a Linux Australia event, Linux Australia is providing the infrastructure required for us to be able to run a successful conference in Australia.