Call for Speakers


To have a wonderful WordCamp we need two important things, wonderful attendees (that’s the easy part) and fabulous speakers (the hard part)! Why not jump up on stage and teach a room full of people something new?
Apply to Speak

To help you prepare your submission, here are some example topics that we believe are interesting to our audience.

Please note that these are only for inspiration – we encourage you to submit any idea based on your expertise. If you have several ideas, submit them all! We’ll be happy to give you feedback and help you prepare your application.

Need some ideas for a topic?

We’d love talks or workshops on any of the following topics:

WordPress 101

  1. Choosing a host for your WordPress site.
  2. How to choose and tweak and WordPress theme.
  3. Planning your first WordPress website.


  1. Design processes and approaches (mobile-first, data-driven design, designing in the browser).
  2. Choosing the correct typography for your site.
  3. Colour psychology
  4. Designing effective landing pages


  1. Development workflows and automation
  2. Testing tools and techniques
  3. Using modern JavaScript front-end tools with WordPress.
  4. Using the WP-API for faster WordPress sites and mobile apps
  5. Creating your own plugin
  6. Creating your own theme from scratch or using Underscores.
  7. Developing larger projects with WordPress – both team and technical challenges, e-commerce solutions, complex web applications.
  8. Learning – approaches for staying up-to-date with WordPress and the web development worlds.


  1. Scaling up. How to go from freelancing to running an agency
  2. Why passive income is important for your business
  3. How to hire the right people for your business
  4. Content / Marketing / Community
  5. Contributing back to WordPress – Why it’s important for your business
  6. Pricing & product strategies


  1. Email marketing/Building a subscription
  2. Social Media Management
  3. Staying ahead and on top of Google updates

Full-length sessions will be 20-25 minutes long with 5-10 additional minutes for questions from audience.
Apply to Speak

Photo Source: Anthony Hortin, 2013