Speaker: Lucy Bloomfield – Modern Design: Browser, Mobile and Data-Centric

Lucy Bloomfield

Lucy Bloomfield

We’ve got another fantastic speaker for you to add to the WordCamp Brisbane lineup. Lucy Bloomfield will be speaking about modern design. Lucy will cover processes and workflows that allow her to rapidly prototype on projects that has a team spread out across the planet. She’ll discuss the importance of sketching but also the importance of iterating quickly, scrapping bad ideas and jumping as quickly as possible into designing in the browser.

She’ll discuss the importance of building for the mobile device first, as well as what happens when you don’t (warning: it gets ugly) and Lucy will also discuss how to utilise data to improve designs.

The audience will hopefully walk away with a better idea about how to improve their prototype workflow, how to build and design things quickly as well as how to build for mobile first and to scale designs.

Lucy’s presentation will cover the following topics:

  • Modern design is awesome (why’s, job examples)
  • Sketching (it’s really important and why)
  • Holding on to your designs (why it’s bad and how not to do it)
  • In browser design (how, why you should and key tools)
  • Mobile first (how, why you should and when it goes badly)
  • Rapid prototyping (building things quickly, iterating for improvements)
  • Data-centric design (how to do it and how cool it is)

Lucy is a UI/UX designer that got sick of doing the usual 9-5 in agencies and decided to go out on her own. Over the last year and a half, she’s set up a one (wo)man agency that handles a variety of different projects – anything from writing programming courses for London-based QA to leading the re-brand and re-structure of Boston-based startup, Security Innovation. Oh… and she’s only 22!

Currently Lucy is the lead designer on a team within Security Innovation for an application security product called TEAM Mentor. This product allows her the freedom and privilege of getting to try her hand at basically everything she could ever want – from iconography, digital strategy and programming to design, information architecture, user testing and product management.

She has a lot of experience designing in browser specifically, with a focus on mobile first. Much of her process revolves around coding and because of that, she’s had a lot to do with the way her designs are created, which is something many designers aren’t able to do.

You can follow Lucy on Twitter.

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