Little Known Secrets To Supercharge Your Site with

Learn why you should create a account to connect to your website to give it superpowers.

This one login gives your website security, analytics, spam prevention, secure login, Plugin and Theme management, Profile Pic when you comment all over the web, eCommerce, speed and performance optimisation, SEO connect, quick posting, widget visibility options, custom Post types (Testimonials and Portfolio), social sharing and so much more … all for Free!

These are some of the under the hood, little known and underutilised features that are available to every WordPress site, but are not included in the code bundle when with an initial install.

You have to know where to look but will be truely amazed with what is available with a single username and password to supercharge your website … and all for FREE!

P.S. If you have been running on WordPress for years, chances are you have overlooked or dismissed some of these tools this presentation will give you a whole new perspective on the power that is now at your fingertips.

