Volunteer Callout

WordCamp Brisbane is just a few weeks away (tickets here if you need an extra reminder), and we need YOU! Well, more specifically, your help!

You’ve heard the spiel before, but just a friendly remind that WordCamps are a volunteer effort. The organisers and speakers are not paid in any way, we do it out of the kindness of our hearts to spread more WordPress knowledge to everyone. On the weekend we need some help to make it an enjoyable experience for everyone.

We need a bunch of friendly volunteers to assist with all aspects of WordCamp, including (but definitely not limited to):

  • Registration desk – we need some friendly faces to welcome people to the event, hand out lanyards, throw swag, point out bathrooms/coffee/etc
  • Room MC  – we need a chatterbox who isn’t afraid of a crowd – and is happy to deliver critically important information about lunch, as well as introduce speakers, let attendees know what is coming up next and other such details!
  • Mic Runners – Did you know most presentations will have a Q&A Session? We need someone who isn’t afraid of stairs and is willing to deliver mic’s to broadcast attendees burning questions
  • Audio/Visual – Have you ever operated a camera? We’ll need a handful of people to help record all the sessions.
  • Photography – We love photos! Help record WordCamp Brisbane for those who can’t make it, or those of us who will look back with fond memories in a few years.
  • Have I forgotten something? Have you attended a conference recently and just wished there was someone to do this, that and the other thing?… Well, let’s just say, if you can think of it, chances are we need it.

If you’re interested in volunteering some of your day to help make the event run smoothly, apply to be a volunteer today!

We don’t expect you to work 24/7, a few hours from a bunch of people over the WordCamp will make hard work easy for everyone – and you’ll forever have our appreciation. We may even have a special volunteering shirt and other perks.

Apply to Volunteer Today