Why is Website Maintenance so Important

Marthie will discuss with the audience the top reasons why it is so important to perform maintenance on your website. Whether you do it yourself and you pay someone to do it for you. This is one of the most neglected areas of a website, and just like a car, it requires regular maintenance otherwise it will break down and get viruses etc and cause your business to halt. Prevention has always been better than cure. As a web developer, I can’t tell you how many websites I opened only to discover that no updates have been done since the website has been built. This has led to website owners suffering loss in business, reputation and money when the website has finally broken down or worse been hacked.

A couple of minutes a week can make all the difference and get your site to run smoothly and without hassle. You have invested time and money to get your site up and running so why not invest a little time each week to make sure it is updated and that everything is working. Discover how to take care of your website so it will take care of you and your business!


