Speaker Announcements – Round 4

Even more speakers! Today we’re announcing another 4 awesome speakers and their talks.

Blocks for Beginners

Luke Carbis

So by now you’ve had a chance to check out the new WordPress editor. You’ve created some posts using Paragraph Blocks, experimented with the Image Block, and maybe installed a plugin that adds some brand new Blocks.

Now it’s time to create your very own Custom Blocks. It’s easier than you might think. Using just a little basic HTML, CSS, and a simple helper plugin – Block Lab, we’ll create our very own Hero Block.

Luke Carbis is a self-deputised open-source emissary and plenipotentiary for WordPress proletariat affairs. He works closely with WordPress based startups (like Block Lab) to fast-track their growth and inspire beautifully written code.

Think Like a Hacker and Secure WordPress in 30 minutes, live on stage

Stephen Rees-Carter

“What could I have done to avoid being hacked?” is a question you’ll often hear after a site is hacked. In some cases the answer is complicated, but a lot of the time it’s relatively simple and there are many checklists and guides online outlining the ways sites can be hacked, plus how to secure them. However, a lot of people learn better from seeing and doing than reading (often boring) checklists. So rather than look at checklists on slides for 30 minutes, we’re going to hack into WordPress instead!

We will target a vulnerable installation of WordPress and attack the usual weaknesses to compromise the site. After every attack we perform, we will make the required changes to block the attack, and then attempt to compromise the site again, hopefully unsuccessfully this time! The goal is to think like a hacker, learning what types of vulnerabilities exist and how they are exploited, so we can better protect our sites and block hackers before they get in. By the end of the talk, we should have a secure site and an incredibly frustrated hacker.

Stephen is a senior developer at Wordfence, where he tries to frustrate attackers by helping to secure WordPress sites. During his time cleaning infected websites, he gained an appreciation for clever malware, layered obfuscation, and Harry Potter passages. When he’s not writing code or looking at malware, he can be found practising lockpicking and studying for his ethical hacker certification.

Generating Leads, Getting Clients and Winning Proposals

Wil Brown

You can’t run a business using WordPress if you don’t have a handle on generating qualified leads. Starting from client and niche selection to setting up landing pages and creating proposals, find out how to develop strong leads to keep you in business and getting paid.

Will is a Dad / WordPress Consultant / Developer / Conference Speaker and Organiser. Living in Sydney.

Cool stuff inside Gutenberg: build the perfect UI with @wordpress/components

Rua Haszard Morris

Take a dive into the component library built into WordPress / Gutenberg demo with Rua. Learn how powerful Gutenberg is and how it can make it easier to build the perfect authoring interface for your custom content and more.

The demo will focus on audio/music examples, to illustrate the variety of things you can do in WordPress. For example, a “page soundtrack” block for adding dynamic background audio to your posts.

Rua loves crafting audio, code, and celebrating nice user experiences. Working as a software engineer throughout life, Rua is passionate about web tech and open source along the way. What he loves about WordPress, code, or other tech is when it opens up new possibilities, and provides a platform for experimentation. 

We still have a few more speakers to announce, so subscribe or follow us on social media to know when the next round of speakers will be announced.