Speaker Announcements – Round 5

WordCamp Brisbane 2019 is getting closer, so we have another 7 presentations to announce! Better grab your ticket today!

5 things I wish I knew when I started with WordPress

Tremayne Pendragon

I’ll take you through 5 core things that I wish I knew when I start to develop on WordPress ( with examples/demos )

Starting my development life in high school, I have had to teach myself a lot of thing from how do I convince myself and the client that I can do their project to how to build a site on budget within the scope the client has requested.

One of my main points that I would touch on and will spend a bit of time on is imposter syndrome as it was something that I didn’t realize I had until I went to a WordCamp, and had to work a lot at trying to break out of it.

Tremayne is a freelance developer from Brisbane, currently studying my bachelors of computer science at CSU. He has been developing since high school, and just have had to learn how to can make a living of something he enjoyed.
“To know me in a nutshell, I like naming random objects, I’m a dog person, and I’m spaced over tabs. I don’t really like clutter and bad coffee.”

Little Known Secrets To Supercharge Your WordPress.Org Site with WordPress.com

Nik Cree

This one login gives your website security, analytics, spam prevention, secure login, Plugin and Theme management, Profile Pic when you comment all over the web, eCommerce, speed and performance optimisation, SEO connect, quick posting, widget visibility options, custom Post types (Testimonials and Portfolio), social sharing and so much more … all for Free!

These are some of the under the hood, little known and underutilised features that are available to every WordPress site but are not included in the code bundle when with an initial install.

You have to know where to look but will be truely amazed with what is available with a single username and password to supercharge your website … and all for FREE!

P.S. If you have been running on WordPress for years, chances are you have overlooked or dismissed some of these tools this presentation will give you a whole new perspective on the power that is now at your fingertips.

Nik runs the “Business Owners Smashing It Online” Meetup in the Gold Coast and Brisbane, moderates a Facebook page by the same name and co-host the Gold Coast WordPress Meetup. And …is starting to have a life, not quite on the beaches of the world but he does have some money to spend, time to hang out with his partner and kids (only if they want him to as they in their teens and 20’s).

Why is Website Maintenance so Important

Marthie Talu

I will discuss with the audience the top reasons why it is so important to perform maintenance on your website. Whether you do it yourself and you pay someone to do it for you. This is one of the most neglected areas of a website, and just like a car, it requires regular maintenance otherwise it will break down and get viruses etc and cause your business to halt.

Prevention has always been better than cure. As a web developer, I can’t tell you how many websites I opened only to discover that no updates have been done since the website has been built. 

Marthie is a graphic designer and website developer with a background in Public Relations and IT. She has been developing websites for the past 7 years and recently started doing workshops to help business owners understand their websites better.

Building a hybrid JavaScript app for WordPress (how & why we embedded our SPA without going completely Headless)

Georgia Mountford

At the end of 2018, we launched a custom eLearning platform that is built on the WordPress backend and experienced through our ReactJS frontend. In this talk, I would like to discuss why we chose the hybrid approach and how it’s a viable option for designers/developers looking to modernise their WordPress sites incrementally. I will share the technical challenges we faced throughout the project, including how we overcame them, and what we intend to do next with our web app.

Georgia spends her days helping people bring their business to life online. Her career has followed an exciting and varied path through tech (design & development) and communications (writing, digital media & marketing) ever since she graduated with degrees in Journalism and IT. Georgia’s love for websites started long before WordPress ‘was a thing’ and her favourite projects are those that demand a mix of technical and creative skills. An avid Potter fan, she firmly believes that she and her fellow “computer people” are basically modern-day wizards who make magic by turning someone’s vision into reality.

One of the Hidden Gems of WooCommerce – Stock Management

Toni Livesey

The story behind my presentation was a call for help via an email by someone who was having trouble with the stock management setup in a WooCommerce shop. My presentation is for beginners of WooCommerce – the importance of setting up stock management in their WooCommerce Shops & the different ways to do this and will include setting up stock quantity control for individual products and variations of their products such as sizes, shapes, colours etc.

I will briefly touch on the different types of items that can benefit from stock/inventory control within their WooCommerce website and integrating POS systems for stock management.

Toni spends time-solving other peoples’ problems with WordPress, WooCommerce and social media because she loves a challenge.

In her spare time, she’s a wife, mother and stepmother to 10 and grandmother to more kids than she can count on her fingers and toes.

And you can blame her partner for her nickname. He introduced her to one of his daughters as the “crazy lady” and the name stuck.

Running a Remote Team. Insights from a WordPress Startup and a 13-year-old Remote Agency

Rob Stinson

Remote work is not such a new thing anymore. It’s becoming more and more mainstream, with companies everywhere embracing the upside of a remotely empowered workforce. Well… at least some of the pieces.

Doing remote is one thing. Doing it well is another!

This talk will skip over the obvious stuff and get stuck straight into techniques and tools that make remote work truly awesome! Learn how you can empower your team to become far more than just a bunch of people connected via a backlog of tasks and a dodgy NBN connection.

Rob is one of the co-founders of Block Lab as well as a team member of X-Company, a 100% remote development company with over 300 employees across 30+ countries.

How Elementor changed my life (for the better!)

Mel Telecican

Before Elementor was installed on my sites I was wary of doing very much in the backend of my website. As someone who loves to action things quickly (think MVP), not being able to iterate without handing it over to my web guy was super frustrating. When Elementor entered my life I felt significantly more confident to develop new pages, update content and get creative.

No more waiting days to implement my plans – now it gets done pronto and I can adjust for mobile and tablet as well as desktop. This session will include a live demonstration for how to use the Elementor elements so you can see for yourself how it works.

Mel Telecican helps people make sense of email marketing automation. She specialises in helping businesses implement high-quality marketing automations in a non-techy, straightforward way so they can get more customers and keep them.

As someone who started with very few skills in this space – she’s learned quickly with the help of user-friendly solutions like Elementor.

And these awesome presentations aren’t all, we have the final 6 presentations that we’ll be announcing soon so make sure to keep your eye.